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Welcome to Blessed Hope Christian Worship Center

The Shepards

Committed to leaving the 99 for the 1.


Overseers James And Anna Byrd

Church Visionaries
Blessed Hope CWC(Houston)

Pastor James Byrd was given a vision from God to start one ministry in 2 locations, Blessed Hope Loganville and Blessed Hope Houston. Pastor James Byrd is the head of the ministry and he is currently pursuing his Masters Degree in Christian Studies, however he is currently planted in Houston along with his wife of 30 years First Lady Anna Byrd.

Jamal Byrd


Jamal Byrd has been the Pastor over Blessed Hope Loganville the last 5 years ever since Overseer James Byrd answered Gods call to begin yet another ministry in Houston Texas.

Blessed Hope's Mission

Blessed Hope Christian Worship Center is a church committed to loving God's people to life, no matter where they come from. Our goal is to raise up a nice church that doesn't fight amongst one another, and to teach RELATIONSHIP with Jesus through a COMMITTED LIFESTYLE. We accept all people from every background and ethnicity. We believe at Blessed Hope, where there is life there is hope. We believe in family and camaraderie. We stand beside each other when life gets hard covering and uplifting each other in prayer.

What's Going On At Blessed Hope

Church Renovation

In response to COVID-19 we want everyone to remain safe and until further notice all church activities have been temporarily suspended. The word continues to go forth every sunday morning at 11am for our drive in service at the church. Bible study is online via our facebook page every monday at 7:30pm.  Before the pandemic we were planning to put up a new LED sign outside the church and make rennovations on the church building itself. Blessed Hope is still a relatively small ministry and donations are much needed and much appreciated. The Gospel is free but the ministry costs.

10 Ways To Get Closer to Christ

1. First you must accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior and ask Him to live in your heart. This can be difficult until you realize that you have zero control of your life.

2. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for YOU and YOUR sins and rose again in 3 days. You must also believe Jesus is the ONE true son of God.

3. This one is a requirement as long as you walk the Christian walk. Confess that you are a sinner. Confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness.

4. Study Your Bible. It is difficult to please God if you don't know what he expects from you. You may be living in sin and not realize it!

5. Develop a healthy consistent prayer life. As christians we have the right to speak directly to God thanks to the sacrifice of Christ on Mount Calvary.

6. Begin to ask God to receive His Holy Spirit. You can not walk this spiritual walk in the weakness of your flesh. Allow Gods word and His spirit to wash away your old habits and lifestyle.

7. Begin to evaluate the things in your life that might cause you to sin and cause you to be separate or disconnected from God.

8. Repent and turn away. You may have to leave old friends, habits, behaviors and relationships behind in order to get closer to God. Everything and everyone is not meant to go with you in the next season God has for you.

9. Be a doer of Gods word and not just a hearer. Obey Gods commands, thats how he knows that you love Him.

10. Tell everyone the good news of how Jesus not only saved their soul but yours as well. Never be afraid to tell your story and where God has brought you from. The very person that you're talking to may be in the same predicament you were in and their deliverance is in your mouth.


Come Worship with Us!

Bible Study Wednesday's at 7:30pm
Sunday School begins at   10am
Morning Worship Sunday's at 11am

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised...
Luke 4:18

Jesus Christ


Contact Us

181 Walton St, Loganville, GA 30052, USA


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